The Green Party is growing fast. We now represent people in Westminster. We have a record number of local councillors gaining over 200 in May 2023. For the first time ever we won majority at Mid-Suffolk District as well as being the largest party at East Herefordshire and Lewes District Councils.
Here in Rother, we went from one Green to three to form the our first Green Group in Rother. We are also part of the governing Alliance having a Portfolio position on cabinet.

Photo relates to Rother District County election results 2023: Cllr Polly Gray, Cllr Arren Rathbone Ariel & Cllr Sue Burton
Our programme
The Green Party Political Programme sets out what Greens are in politics to do: to end the system that keeps hurting the environment and all of us who rely on it – and to build a better alternative.
This Programme isn’t like other parties’ manifestos, it has not been squeezed through focus groups and stripped down according to the latest polling. Instead it has been built from policies proposed and voted on by our members, looking to secure the long term future of the places and people they love.
It’s a vision of a better world, and together we can deliver it.
Donating directly to Rother Greens
Your donations help us produce posters and newsletters for your area as well as covering costs such as the deposit for General Election candidates.
There are a number of ways in which you can donate:
- Online (via Paypal)
- By bank transfer or standing order
- By cheque
When making a donation, please provide your name and address to allow us to comply with election law when reporting our donations. If you wish to donate over £500, you must be on the electoral register.
Please consider donating by bank transfer, standing order or by cheque. Email our treasurer at for further information.
Donating by bank transfers or standing order
For one-off or regular donations, please get in touch with our treasurer by emailing for the required account details.
Please make all cheques payable to ‘Green Party Rother Branch’ and send to:
Green Party Rother Branch
Hunters Farm
E Sussex
TN32 5HU
Donations go to the Rother branch of the Green Party
Support us with your time
We welcome all new volunteers who would like to help support their local Green Party. We have a range of activities that members can get involved in.