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Energy costs – some practical things you can do

Letter to the battle and Bexhill Observer

I expect that many local residents are, like me, worried about their energy costs and wondering how high their bills are going to be and how they will be able to pay them. Nobody can take that anxiety away, but there are some practical things we can all do which will help to keep our bills down.

In the kitchen, we can save a surprising amount of energy if we use a washing-up bowl instead of the sink, or if we only run the dishwasher when it's full and wash big suacepans by hand so you can get more plates in.   We can save energy if we only heat the amount of water we need in the kettle instead of filling it up (kettles use loads of electricity) and cook with a lid on the pan.
Every time we avoid running an appliance it helps, so we can save by only running the washing machine when it’s full, and don't wash clothes that have just been worn only once and aren't really dirty.   In the bathroom, taking just one minute off our showering time could save £80 per person per year.    
In the rest of your home, you'll save energy and bills if you draw all the curtains at dusk in winter, making sure they are tucked behind the radiator, and moving furniture away from radiators so the heat can get into the room.  Almost all of us can save energy if we don’t leave printers and TVs on standby. If you are not using a room turn the heating off and shut the door. Shut the door of the room you are using. It keeps the warmth in. 

Not all the ideas above will suit everyone, but many small changes together do add up and make a difference. Plus, anything we can do to reduce our energy bills helps to fight climate change at the same time.

Sue Burton
Rother Green Party
Sue Burton
Sue Burton