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Ideas to make your holiday greener

Rother Green Party Membership officer (and keen cyclist) Sue Burton writes:

If you are planning to go somewhere new this summer even for a weekend there are positive actions you can take to make your holiday a little kinder on the planet. They are not new ideas but good ones to remind ourselves of.

  • Travel without flying if you can but certainly fly less
  • Go somewhere near to home. There are lots of villages and towns in Sussex and Kent that are so different to Bexhill. Try one!
  • Don’t take wet wipes. They could end up in landfill. Take a flannel. Do take  refillable water bottles for everybody. Take a bag ready for shopping.
  • Travel light however you go places. It is costly on the environment moving heavy luggage around. Even catching a bus!
  • Go prepared for walking and picnicking. Use a map or your phone to find routes to get around or explore the local area. Children enjoy looking out for things so invent a quiz.
  • Make sure your sheets and towels don’t get changed unless needed
  • Buffets are usually more wasteful than a set meal. If the menu is short, that’s good! If a dish has run out that’s excellent as there’s no food waste!
  • In the countryside, keep to the paths to reduce erosion. Take all your rubbish home with you to recycle or throw away.
  • Buy bamboo toothbrushes not plastic. If everybody did that think how much less plastic would be used.

We hope you find these tips useful. Have fun on your travels